What a Dental Cleaning Involves Routine dental cleanings prevent cavities, remove plaque and ensure that periodontal disease doesn’t develop or progress. Dental cleanings are also used to detect deeper issues, which may require additional appointments. However, these procedures used by the dental hygienist are not well-understood by many patients. Learning a few facts about the process of dental cleanings can…
The American Dental Association recommends that most children and adults go to their dentist for routine oral exams and professional dental cleanings twice each year. Some people need to go more frequently, especially if they have gum disease, a high risk of cavities or chronic health conditions such as diabetes that affect oral health. In addition to routine dental cleanings,…
For many people, a visit to the dentist is very stressful. Because of this, they fail to think of many things they should discuss during their appointment. However, by taking some time a few days before the appointment to jot down concerns and questions, your stress level can be greatly reduced. By walking into an appointment knowing exactly what you…
Whitening Teeth Whitening Special from South Bay Dental & Orthodontics. Get professional whitening by a dentist. Shine up those pearly whites. Only $199 normally $599 Once your dental professional has checked the current shade of your teeth, they’ll take you through these simple QuickPro steps: Our dentist takes care to prep your mouth and gums. A thin layer of whitening…
Getting good dental care is one of the most important things you can do for your lifelong health. As with medicine, there are several different kinds of dentist, each with a unique role to play in your oral health. In addition, there are professionals such as dental hygienists that are not dentists but will be involved in your care. Understanding…
Picking the Right Mouthwash For Your Teeth and Gums Brushing and flossing your teeth is very important, and most people also use some kind of mouthwash as part of their oral health regimen. It prevents bad breath and promotes healthy teeth and gums. The question of what mouthwash is the best one to use always tends to come up. We…
Your smile is often the first thing others notice about you, which is why there has been an increase in the demand for cosmetic dental treatment in recent years. One of the quickest and most efficient ways to improve the appearance of your smile is teeth whitening. With many whitening options, including in-office and take-home services, it’s easy to achieve…
In order to maintain your oral health, you need to invest in preventative dentistry, which means to look after of your teeth and gums. Doing so reduces your risk of developing onset cavities, enamel wear, gum disease, etc. Fortunately, there are dozens of preventative dentistry forms, such as daily flossing and brushing, dental cleanings, and more. According to the American…